Command and conquer files

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President Dugan opts for a decisive nuclear strike. In the country, patriotic farmers weep as they watch their cows-strapped with explosives and saddled by mind-control-march into military installations to explode in deadly clouds of beefy, succulent shrapnel. In the cities, Americans take up arms against their neighbors. Planting mysterious beacons along the way, the Soviet troops are led by psychic generals who use their minds instead of munitions to push forward with their invasion of the U.S. But it's soon revealed as an elaborate ruse, as Soviet troops-like none the Allies have ever seen-storm Texas, then California, and other major cities.

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Intelligence reports soon link the disturbance to a Soviet presence in Mexico, where, with a nod from the U.S., Romanov's WSA troops are supposedly putting down an insurrection. Others falling into a state of zombie-like submission, turning against both family and nation. succumbing to fits of dizziness and nausea. The Red Menace is all but dead, diluted into the World Socialist Alliance, a harmless humanitarian organization with U.S.-friendly puppet leader Premier Romanov shaking hands and making speeches. is knee-deep in apple pie and amber waves of grain.